Qualitative research seeks to elicit what people think and why they think or behave in a certain way. Qualitative research is used when the problem involves defining or evaluating a marketing issue. By doing qualitative research, we mainly offer clients solutions to
To define problem areas more thoroughly and to formulate hypotheses for future investigation
In concept development and exploration
To investigate behavior, beliefs, attitudes to input into the brand equity and positioning
To pilot long questionnaires for understanding, comprehension and wording prior to a large scale quantitative study
Our Customized Qualitative Research includes:
Focus Group Discussion
Depth interviews:
Mystery Shopping
Cognitive briefing
Quantitative research answers the 'how much?' and some of the 'what's' of marketing issues. It is often conducted after an initial qualitative phase, in order to confirm hypotheses with statistical validity. As the research gives more credence and confidence that a decision is made correctly, it helps improve decision-making. At Milestones, we offer the following quantitative methods:
U&A Study with random or quota sampling
CLT: product test with/without concept test, packaging test; TVC test
HUT: product test with/without concept test
Customer Satisfaction
Brand Health heck
Market segmentation
Tracking or ad-hoc study
By providing research on retail market, we offer clients:
Outlet coverage with map, address and contact details